Error 0x800A001C

Value: -2146828260 | 0x800A001C | 2148139036

What does it mean ?

DirectShow: There is insufficient string space to perform the requested operation. Each thread has its own stack while other resources, such as heap memory, are shared by all threads in the process. You must specify how much memory to allocate for a separate stack for each additional thread your program needs. The operating system will allocate additional stack space for the thread, if necessary, but you must specify a default value. If the operating system cannot allocate the necessary space, you receive this error.
Value: 28 | 0x001C | 0b0000000000011100

Where does it come from ?

Used by OLE controls. You can find a complete list of the error codes in OLECTL.H - errors from: VB, VBScript, JScript, ADO, third party controls
Value: 10 | 0x00A | 0b00001010