Error 0x80284013

Value: -2144845805 | 0x80284013 | 2150121491

What does it mean ?

The TPM provisioning action is not allowed by the specified flags. For provisioning to be successful, one of several actions may be required. The TPM management console (tpm.msc) action to make the TPM Ready may help. For further information, see the documentation for the Win32_Tpm WMI method 'Provision'. (The actions that may be required include importing the TPM Owner Authorization value into the system, calling the Win32_Tpm WMI method for provisioning the TPM and specifying TRUE for either 'ForceClear_Allowed' or 'PhysicalPresencePrompts_Allowed' (as indicated by the value returned in the Additional Information), or enabling the TPM in the system BIOS.)
Value: 16403 | 0x4013 | 0b0100000000010011

Where does it come from ?

Microsoft Tablet PC
Value: 40 | 0x028 | 0b00101000

Other Errors for FACILITY_INK