Error 0x80040201

Value: -2147220991 | 0x80040201 | 2147746305

What does it mean ?

An event was unable to invoke any of the subscribers
Value: 513 | 0x0201 | 0b0000001000000001
DirectShow: The specified media subtype is invalid.
Value: 513 | 0x0201 | 0b0000001000000001
Exception %1 was generated at address %2
Value: 513 | 0x0201 | 0b0000001000000001
MAPI: An entry ID is unknown.
Value: 513 | 0x0201 | 0b0000001000000001
The object is already initialized.
Value: 513 | 0x0201 | 0b0000001000000001
The caller does not have the necessary type of document.
Value: 513 | 0x0201 | 0b0000001000000001
Text Store: Application does not have a read-only lock or read/write lock for the document.
Value: 513 | 0x0201 | 0b0000001000000001
UPnP Description Document: XML document does not have a root element at the top level of the documXML document does not have a device element. It is missing either from the root element or the DeviceList element.ent.
Value: 513 | 0x0201 | 0b0000001000000001

Where does it come from ?

COM/OLE Interface management. FACILITY_ITF is designated for user-defined error codes returned from interface methods
Value: 4 | 0x004 | 0b00000100

Other Errors for FACILITY_ITF