Error 0x80040211

Value: -2147220975 | 0x80040211 | 2147746321

What does it mean ?

DirectShow: Cannot allocate a sample when the allocator is not active.
Value: 529 | 0x0211 | 0b0000001000010001
The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. The transport error code was %2. The server response was %1
Value: 529 | 0x0211 | 0b0000001000010001
The recorder does not support any properties.
Value: 529 | 0x0211 | 0b0000001000010001
Value: 529 | 0x0211 | 0b0000001000010001
An HTTP error occurred. Use the IUPnPService::LastTransportStatus property to obtain the actual HTTP status code. (Note: This error code is also returned when the SOAP response exceeds 100 kilobytes.)
Value: 529 | 0x0211 | 0b0000001000010001

Where does it come from ?

COM/OLE Interface management. FACILITY_ITF is designated for user-defined error codes returned from interface methods
Value: 4 | 0x004 | 0b00000100

Other Errors for FACILITY_ITF