Error 0x80040224

Value: -2147220956 | 0x80040224 | 2147746340

What does it mean ?

DirectShow: The operation could not be performed because the filter is not stopped.
Value: 548 | 0x0224 | 0b0000001000100100
The requested operation is not available on the underlying object.
Value: 548 | 0x0224 | 0b0000001000100100
The file to add is already in the image file and the overwrite flag was not set.
Value: 548 | 0x0224 | 0b0000001000100100

Where does it come from ?

COM/OLE Interface management. FACILITY_ITF is designated for user-defined error codes returned from interface methods
Value: 4 | 0x004 | 0b00000100

Other Errors for FACILITY_ITF