Error 0x80072173

Value: -2147016333 | 0x80072173 | 2147950963

What does it mean ?

The version of the operating system is incompatible with the current AD DS forest functional level or AD LDS Configuration Set functional level. You must upgrade to a new version of the operating system before this server can become an AD DS Domain Controller or add an AD LDS Instance in this AD DS Forest or AD LDS Configuration Set.
Value: 8563 | 0x2173 | 0b0010000101110011

Where does it come from ?

Provides a way to handle error codes from functions in the Win32 API as an HRESULT. (Error codes in 16 - bit OLE that duplicated Win32 error codes have also been changed to FACILITY_WIN32)
Value: 7 | 0x007 | 0b00000111

Other Errors for FACILITY_WIN32