Error 0x800726B2

Value: -2147014990 | 0x800726B2 | 2147952306

What does it mean ?

The operation failed because the domain naming master FSMO role could not be reached. The domain controller holding the domain naming master FSMO role is down or unable to service the request or is not running Windows Server 2003 or later.
Value: 9906 | 0x26B2 | 0b0010011010110010

Where does it come from ?

Provides a way to handle error codes from functions in the Win32 API as an HRESULT. (Error codes in 16 - bit OLE that duplicated Win32 error codes have also been changed to FACILITY_WIN32)
Value: 7 | 0x007 | 0b00000111

Other Errors for FACILITY_WIN32