Error 0x80073AA3
Value: -2147009885 | 0x80073AA3 | 2147957411
What does it mean ?
- The query result is stale / invalid. This may be due to the log being cleared or rolling over after the query result was created. Users should handle this code by releasing the query result object and reissuing the query.
- Value: 15011 | 0x3AA3 | 0b0011101010100011
Where does it come from ?
- Provides a way to handle error codes from functions in the Win32 API as an HRESULT. (Error codes in 16 - bit OLE that duplicated Win32 error codes have also been changed to FACILITY_WIN32)
- Value: 7 | 0x007 | 0b00000111
Other Errors for FACILITY_WIN32