Error 0x80520506

Value: -2142108410 | 0x80520506 | 2152858886

What does it mean ?

A color value is out of range. For XPS_COLOR_TYPE_SCRGB color types, the alpha channel value must be greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than or equal to +1.0. For XPS_COLOR_TYPE_CONTEXT color types, the channelValues[0] that represents the alpha channel value must be greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than or equal to +1.0.
Value: 1286 | 0x0506 | 0b0000010100000110

Where does it come from ?

XPS (XML Paper Specification) Document
Value: 82 | 0x052 | 0b01010010

Other Errors for FACILITY_XPS